GBC Report

8 years, 9 months ago by hps in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krsna, Prabhus,

We leave for Lima on the 15th.  Our main focus there is this symposium being
sponsored by us, NIOS, and the Peruvian National Library.  It has come along
very, very well. We feel like a passenger on a great Cruise Ship. Is beyond our
means to control. The participants are very, very respected, nice people from
Peru, Chile, Canada, Mexico, India etc.
For example, Beverley Zabriskie. She was co-founder of the Jungian Society in
New York and the Philemon Foundation which has an enormously popular following
and is dedicated to publishing the many unpublished works of Jung. Prabhupada
said that of all the Western philosophers, Jung seemed to have the most sense,
and his modern followers seem to fall in that category. It is like preaching to
Sukadeva Goswami and the four Kumaras sometimes.
She is also an arti critic for the New York Times.

We hope to have the results of this symposium available for all of you soon.
Ask us any questions you want to.

While there we will be staying at Abhirama's house in Lima with SB classes
available for anyone. We will go to Wilson for two evening programs. We will go
to Bolivia for a week and Chosica for about 10-days.
If you have any advice please contact us!