Taking Shelter

8 years, 7 months ago by David Presta in Calendar Development

Dear Maharaja


All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

I enjoy reading the letters sent to your grace and posted here.  The energy, activities,  personal notes, and affection for you that is displayed in the letters is insperational and enderaing, as well as facinating.  We are all very greatful for the many lives you have enriched by your generous mercy.

HpS - I think it is the colossal effort of Srila Prabhupada to use every resource.

  Our visit to the Boise Temple was spirtually energizing.  The deities are beautuful and the devotees are terrific.  It was so nice to take your association.  Thank you.  We have family and grandkids visiting from Colorado next week.  Hopefully we can make a difference in their lives.  I must admit I am disappointed that our other grandkids are not very interested in taking advice from us.  There is so much I could help them with.  You can lead a horse...  They're good kids so I don't worry about them.

We would be delighted and  fortunate if you could come for a visit.  There are many devotees who are more deserving of your association and many homes more appropriate than ours for you to stay, but all of the devotees here pray that you can find the time to come for a visit.

I remain your unworthy servant,  Dave pabhu

HpS - It was so nice seeing asked spending time with you. You have such a wholesome perspective on life. Your home and association is super but just for geographic we are looking more at the Easy coast.

Please send it's news as it happens. Are you in a city?