Can we live on Havisanna and milk each night at eight?
Well, we can try it.
Trying different services for Krsna. Even Prabhupada was experimenting in the new world. Speculation on the basis of Sastra. How fun is KC! We can contribute something new!
- All the letters answered up to three days ago.
- Got a little rash on our leg. May be poison ivy.
- Conference call to India with Rama-giridhari Das. Houston Education Symposium is going well. Very solid educators registered.
- Then one with Dr. Samaresh. He is little sick from the weather. He is getting help from a printer who can do the pre-press work etc. He is getting very passionate about the technical, materialistic, nature of modern education. He says that obviously the Temple and the University were one in the past and we should be pushing to go back that way.
- Then called , "Robbie". He said he could cut our grass. He is a neighbor and only wanted $ 35 instead of $50 like a professional. Waiting for him to come I attacked the hedge where the poison ivy lives. Very careful not to touch it and wash the clothes and tools afterwords. May have to decimate the hedge (unless we get decimated).
- Let Brother Ass rest as he wanted today and then just cooked Havisanna, Split Garbanza bean and rice kitri. Little mik tonight.
- It is 6.37PM. Full light outside. Traffic has died down. NGD just called that he is home from the Mental Hospital, so we will close up the cave and head for his house, 11-minutes, and go for a walk, and sing Gaura-arati and kirtan.
Thank you for all the wonderful letters.
Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna!!