Hare Krishna Querido Gurudeva!!!

8 years, 8 months ago by Adi Yajña Das in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to Srila Prabhupada
Please accept my humble obeisances at His lotus feet

Dear Gurudeva, I do not write much that he does, I hope is well.
Here things right, and everything is calmer, I have written several times with Gunagrahi Prabhu, and my relationship with him is good, I dolio that has agreed to be guru with this mental illness, I understand that all conditioned living entities have that shackle, and I understand that the practice of celibacy is 100% grace (mercy), I wanted to tell you that in my practice celibacy one of the principles I try to follow is not to mention the conditioning of others. I tell Gurudev this because Prema Rasarnava told me that Him spoke with You.

I'm teaching the Nectar of instruction, and also the Bhagavad Gita residents of the temple.
And I began to study at university.
Sadhana well, it will improve more as this college is a bit new for me and it will stabilize better.

With Bharata I'm not talking since March, because we do not talk Well. We will take time

Here the  temple improved and two months is here Srila Virabahu Maharaja, He has much respect for you ago.

My 4 principles and 16 rounds well, good relationship with the authorities, and especially my service to the deities.

Please give me your mercy, and pray for me spitritual relation of love for Krishna

Thank you!!

His servant Adi Yajña Das

HpS - Very nice to hear from you.  Write your letters in simple Spanish first that you know www.translate.google.com can translate well. Then use the translator and edit it if necessary.  Your writing frequency is fine. More would be O.K.   We think of you. We have heard different things about Guna-grahi Swam and are not exactly sure what happened to him. He confessed some mental or verbal or physical attachments illicit sex, no???   I want to write to him to say that there may be negative things, but we have so much affection for him and appreciation of his positive service.

If there are faults in devotees and we are good, we can avoid those and get the positive aspect of their service, no?

What are you studying?

If you happen to see Bharata in the street (Ha!  Ha!  Ha!)  please offer our respects to him. We also like him very much.   Actually feeling a lot of separation from BsAs thinking of all of you now.  KC is so much fun. Everybody should be joining the Temple is Ciudad de la Paz!