Hare Krsna!
Hare Rama! AGTSP!!! Paoho & Bw. We just finished our Saturday Night Live with Spanish language devotees. Was so nice. We read from the Lila-smaranam of Uddhava at the beginning of Canto Three. First we have to get in Goodness, then we can appreciate the transcendental Form and Pastimes of the Lord as: A giant Hog, A giant Fish, Maha-visnu or whatever He wish!
We have letters from five days, but we are t i r e d!
(Rat One: No you are lazy and greedy! You are a cheater! Taking bananas and baked potatoes and giving nothing in return.).
ASA: Maybe so, but better to just chant Hare Krsna and look for Krsna's lotus feet and join the festival. It is going on. This is the greatest place in the universe, 902 Hillcrest Dr; Murfreesboro, TN; USA.
All the city can come and join the fun we are having.
Of course, it depends toe tally on Krsna. He is fun. He is having a good time with Laxmi as Naryana. It is like a picnic sponsored by the school where everyone is 16-years old more or less, and one student is the greatest adn He has His regular Girlfriend and everyone is just experiencing all the different oportunities of the Spiritual Disneyland, Vaikuntha.
But we have to participate with our contribution: The Catsup!
Today we had two Classes! Hosted Musa and Tandavika Das. TD had driven for two hours to South of here to Cokeville to pick up Musa. He had been for one week at the Students State Week. The American Legion sponsors about 150-high school kids who divide into 2-parties and get elected to different jobs in the State Government. Musa ran for Governor and got the nomination from his party but lost to the kid from the other party.
He was amazed at how rustic was the consciousness of the Kids. His opponent was serious that they should build a wall and keep people from coming from Kentucky, the State south of Tennessee, and taking jobs from people here. He also said that women are messing up the work force. They should not be allowed to work. Amazing. The real Governor, Head of the State Militia, two Senators and others were there. He was a amzazed at how uninformed they were about history, actual State and Federal administration etc.
Hmmmmm. Kali-yuga. It happened in Germany, madness took over. Only solution is to get your own umbrella and pass them out to others. If it gets bad people will have motivation to hear about Vaikuntha!
Hare Krsna!
See you in Sankirtan-space!!!