Copy of Peru Conference Letter to India.

8 years, 7 months ago by hps in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Jaya Sri Krsna!!

Esteemed Dr. Chakravarty, Prof. Samaresh et al,
It is very animating for us to be able to write to your esteemed self.  We are still in USA after our India, Europe tour. The work for the June 21-23 Symposium on "Psychology and the Sacred" is going on with great roaring and splashing. Your article for the parallel magazine, 'Solaris' has been translated. The short video interview that we did in your residence in Delhi has been sub-titled and will be one of two video presentations for the Symposium. The other is from Nobel Laureate candidate, Humberto Maturana. Also, your suggestion that the organizers approach indigenous groups that have efforts to preserve their cultures and get intellectual members of their communities to join the Symposium has been taken very seriously by the organizers. It was already on the edge of the marketing scheme, as Peru is a place where indigenous cultures are very active.

Dr. Samaresh mentioned that you had asked him if we were going to send your ticket for our physical participation in the Symposium and I hope with very fervent zeal that we had not given the impression that we were going to inconvenience your esteemed self at this early date by dragging you out of your splendid country to take you to the remote land of Peru!

In the beginning the Library and NIOS were aiming at a global event, but this was quickly reduced to a Western world event and finally it has come down to Western Hemisphere, and this has been manageable.  Is that alright?  In so many ways I see you as one of the chief strategists in this endeavor.  The general view now is that if things go on as successfully as they are now then there will be a plan for a Global event in 2017 or 2018. One of the principal organizers with the Peruvian National LIbrary commented, " This year, Hanuman Swami, we will make friends and enemies. Next year we will have your Battle of Kuruksetra".

The magazine will be ready for release on the 20th of June. We hope to have a copy of it to you before that. The prestige and actual content of the contributors is very high, and the interest in translating everything to more practical results is universal. None of the contributors are ivory-tower thinkers. We will have a copy of that to you as soon as it is even in the final review stage.  Please then give us more advice.  With the magazine in hand I will then also promote your ideas amongst relevant people, such as Hector Behar and others.

After South America I will be for two weeks in Houston for the 3rd Annual, North American, Education with ISKCON conference. Then we are planning to sit still and rest and work from Tennessee until January. Then seems South America and India again. I think this is the last year we will have much to do with administrative work and hope that we can start to contribute more with individual and collaborative writing and media work.

I guess I should not say anymore until the magazine is in our hands and we can use that as a basis for much, much more communication and promotion. If you bless us we certainly hope to be your agent in this effort.
Always at you service,
Hanumatpresaka Swami
Prof. Huber Hutchin Robinson