Another tricky day...

8 years, 8 months ago by chas d lind in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Maharaja Hanumat Presaka Swami,

Please accept my humble obeisances, All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Post Nrsinghadeva Appearance Day note.

HpS - ASA - Grrrrr!

Taking a moment from my self-impelled feverous schedule to share and reflect some new realizations in an old and ignorant body. Guess that’s the wonderful thing about Krishna consciousness, if we actually accept the practice there are constant levels of self-realization. The downside is that sometimes we don’t want to know our own shortcomings, about where I’m at right now.

HpS -  Ha! Ha!   Hare!    Aren't there a whole line of people ready to tell you your faults?

The convenience of Temple Darshan and association is a blessing, and then of course there is the “curse’.  Extra seva with Jiva Goswami at the “Cult” and again maintaining sadhana has become a balancing act for me. The morning program is still a priority though adjustments have to be made in getting japa in with daily activities. More on-line Darshan and mini-Mangals at home seems to be working for now. Missing personal interaction at Temple Mangal’s yet japa is getting consistent. In fact regulating Mandhir moments has helped keep seva in order, sometimes every bodies nuance is thrown on my plate when it comes to service and now I’m starting to prioritize. Of course volunteering to reframe the ceiling, convert it to floor space and repair the drywall at the Cult was a bit overdoing it (adds 3,000 square feet of inventory space) ... se la vie!


ASA - "A bit"? !    !         We thought we were the biggest stupid asses in the world but now we feel humbled! <img alt="cheeky" height="23" src="" title="cheeky" width="23" />

Don’t recall mentioning to you about my new technique for japa. With the bezerk-brain I’ve got, my appendages don’t always work with it. Basically, I can be chanting japa and if there’s a half a second lull in my Mantra my hand will fling the beads into the bag thus losing count…frustrating. So, now I’ve been placing the mala on a clean table and chanting and watching my hands at the same time, been working well for a couple of months now though new realizations have surfaced. At first the new system kept the mind entertained and lively (actually had some good 8 minute rounds) then as time has gone on I slip into old habits and drag the pace down but at least I’m not losing track of count, so the system seems to work, just have to perfect the practioner.

HpS - Every bead is different. Krsna grouped them into 4-groups of 25 and eight special groups. See Them.

As I mentioned, “old habits”, of course can be good ones, it seems the bad ones are all that we recognize. On the new realization it is actually a bad habit that surfaced on its own… subtle lethargy. It is one thing to fall “asleep at the wheel” (or worse, at the mala!), it’s another to zone out completely. At first I thought maybe it was a state of meditation or calming of the brain. When 20 minutes fly by and I have no idea it happened, it becomes a detriment. Great, another problem to content with while waiting to perfect death. Actually, what is the difficulty? Ignorance is always around, in fact now I know there is a problem it’s easier to work on.

This is what is great about the potency of God, He will assist if you’re sincerely trying, hope that Lord Nrsingha will keep ripping out my anartha’s known and unknown, now if I will allow Him is the real difficulty on my part, time to surrender even more.

Appreciate your valuable time, All glories to your service,

Your servant in training,
caitanya caritamrta das anu das

PS: A video clip from a production Vatsala did with us. My first speaking part ( had 5 lines,,,and forgot one…ugh)

HpS we will watch it.   We are amzed you got this blue color and highlight effect. When you die probably nothing will change. It will all go on just like it is now. Tack down the problems and solve them one by one, but don't forget to work on the big problems first.

Have you read our "Japa-Joe" book in the ASA Archives?