URGENT Consulting you on wedding from Aravinda Prabhu

8 years, 9 months ago by Christian in Hot Topics

Hare Krsna Guru maharaja!
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
Please accept my humble obeisances

I'm sorry for writting you as urgent, but as i told you in my last letter, i had plans to marry on 19th of May, due to my fiance is from Peru, we needed her civil papers certificated to be used in Mexico for the wedding, so we made de arrangement with her family, still, the letter hasnt arrived yet and there is no guarantee that they would arrive at time to make proper arrangements with civil registry to get a space at that date...
we dont want to cancel or pospose the date of the wedding because we have plans to travel together at June, besides, the astrologer who made our compability chart said that date is the best planetary arrangement in this months for us particularly, and also we had some guests making changes on their job to be able to assist..

So, our Grihastha shiksha, Radhika Mataji said we can keep on the planning and make a Gandharva wedding propperly asisted by Aravinda Prabhu to have as witness of the formality a Sinior devotee of ISKCON, and to get the blessings of the most Vaishnava possible at the date which is more auspicious, of course, with the understanding that whenever the letter arrive to our city we will inmediattly go to the office to make civil wedding accordingly to the society.
Aravinda prabhu asked me to send you this letter because he is not so sure that arrangement is in concordance with ISKCON's view, even though he said that if you aprove it, he will participate joyfully.

I just want to say, that even though i know the importance of the civil laws, it is not the case that we didn't wanted to marry by those laws, but we could not made the propper arrangements at time; speaking for me, i have related with Sri Radha as my wife for the last 6 months we have been sharing laxmi, plans of life, taking care of each other, etc. So my personal view is that making the Gandharva wedding on 19th May and then civil wedding at the moment we recieve the documents would be as when Srila Prabhupada recommended that if you have to travel at an inauspicious to travel, then just make your luggage and put them out the day before, and then continue with travel next day... But please, correct me if im wrongly understanding or speculating.

We will be happy to make whatever you decide.
Your aspirant to service
Krsna-kirtana Dasa

HpS - ASA -   AGTSP paoho & bw!   It seems fine to us. You are consulting with a lot of sane people. How do you biological families feel about this?  Have you got the blessings of the Temple Authorities?  Main things is chant 16-good rounds daily and follow the 4-principles strictly, then you can't make any big mistakes. After that have full morning program together.
Fine point is to read and discuss the marriage of Kardama and Devahuti together and even as a small seminar with other Grhasthas. Make comments and even puiblish it all.
