DTC 4(Th)

8 years, 10 months ago by hps in DTC



We have answered all the letters up to three days ago. After three weeks we have caught up on the mail!

We are Heros (TB/BW/UG et al).

Now it is 4.47PM. We have all our Gayatris, and 12 rounds done.

Phone call to India at 3.30AM and two to Boise.

Class to Hawaii.

Packing for ten-days of travel.

Hare Krsna!   Hare Krsna!

We live in a bubble of time and space,

Dominated by the feet of His Divine Grace.

There we chant the Maha-mantras, Three,

And thus we are informed on how things should be (Plans).

If you do the same,

Your tongue turn to flame.

And our Sankirtan burn all the stoopids to fire.