Dallas Ratha Yatra

8 years, 9 months ago by chas d lind in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Please accept my humble obeisances, All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Maharaja, enclosed a snapshot of the Dallas 2016 Chariot carrying Their Lordships Lord Jagannatha, Baladeva & Lady Subhadra to the awaiting Devotee's of Texas.

Was an interesting journey, our 2nd time at their Ratha Yatra, the community is very enthusiastic and accomodating. Drinks are passed out to all who will take while the parade is on, there is a small trailer to carry any who need to ride along and, of course, Prasadam is also distributed.

The weather was amazingly cool for May in Texas, we relished the moment and danced, chanted and followed the complete route. Police where very efficient and protected the avenues while we all carried on, no problems for the whole event. Returning to the Temple we enjoyed the park atmosphere of the Temple property. Nice lawns with tents of food, info and apparel to procure. We took much Prasadam from the TKG Academy booth, was a fund raiser for them and the baked goods were exquisite Seems the school is in need of expansion and more income, we did our part with investing in spanokopita's, savory pastries and a little ice cream... best deal of the day!

After attending other Ratha Yatra's the Dallas fanfare is the most intimate we've been to, the low-key ecstacy was a different change from the sometimes frenetic sidelines of the bigger festivals. As observed, the Lord's Rasa's adapt to every event and this was no exception, all involved were smiling along with Their Lordships.

Our next Ratha-Yatra will be in San Francisco, will see if I can bring some of that Southern hospitiality along!

All Glories to your service!!

your servant in training,

caitanya caritamrta das anu das

ASA - Jaya Jagannatha Swami!   Thank you for wonderful report!  We are Boise for two days now. We have been packed with programs every day. Just like the Goswami Academy!

From 10.30am - 3.30pm was the inauguration of the Kaliya fountain on the new property. We had to work pretty hard with the Kirtan, yajna, talking with guests. Now few minutes with you all and then... Donor appreciation night in front to the new Hall - 160-donors.

Hare Krsna!

When do we have time for Dr. Samaresh or Peru conferenece?   Hmmm. Krsna will arrange. He is the Master of the Universe and our only job is to see to His happiness (returning to Braja!).