8 years, 8 months ago by Carlos Rold in Other


Personal conclusion statements

I am not this body, nor niether all the bodies where I lived once since immemorial time. 

I'm so tired of staying holed up in a house fighting with maya. Today I know my condition is due to karma I have accumulated in this life and past lives, are the consequences of so many mistakes I've made, also are product originated with actions through which so many people I damaged once. But I have to resolve this material entanglement where I am and thus set myself free of all death and birth. Some day I will can serve adequately my Lord, only thanks to His mercy.

Maya strength is such that can dominate the mind completely. The mind leads fake ego from illusion to illusion, that's why it is so important set the mind on the appropriate level of consciousness and this is the ultimate goal of any search, Krsna Consciousness; if we do not make the effort to set our mind on Krsna every time, we will falling again and again into the darkness of the material entanglement.

Our most important activity should be a constant practicing to train the mind. This is the ultimate goal of any attempt to dominate the mind, spoken by many yogis since the beginning of the ages and so fashionable today in mouths of so many fake prophets who speak of mastering the mind, but without indicating the suitable way to carry out the process, without indicating the right object of our attention. We must strive to work with our attentional energy so that we can make Krsna the object of our senses, the goal of all activity for small it could be, in the meaning of our lives, we must direct to Krsna each one of our actions, even getting up in the morning and at bedtime, showering, brushing teeth, drink water and eat, study and work, etc., all  our activities to be closer and more close of Krsna, trying hard always to respect at least the 4 regulative principles. Our routine should be taken as a way to restore the original position and transcendental activity of the living entity: serving eternally the Supreme Being.

If we do not connect with the appropriate level of consciousness is the fake ego who suffers and drag the soul into the darkness of transitory material life and may even lose the opportunity wich represents this human existence in particular.

If maya it ain't playing to my favor yet, is just because I keep dragging impurities in my mind and doing offenses and I do not realize.

"...mind is the cause of captivity and mind is the cause of liberation... the mirror of mind will be cleaned up..."


now, will come the last one