Diary of the Traveling Raktaka Das

8 years, 9 months ago by raktak in Special Category A

Guru-Lila (Part 2)

Rama-Giridhari Prabhu's home is there in a multi-storied building, he stays on 4th floor with his good wife and the parents, he made arrangements for us to stay on 2nd floor, we were in an apartment whose owner, another devotee, had gone to Vrindavan, so his apartment was fully available for us to use.  The best room was given to Guruji, but as you know, he has no attachment for any luxury, he is haapy in any condition.  And I was staying in the room next to him, so only two of us.  Guruji took bath and put on clean clothes, and then we went two stories up to the home of RG Prabhu. There and then, RG Prabhu introduced guruji to his parents and his good wife was also there.  Guruji had some herbal drink there with little sweets. Remember, guruji is eating once a day his main meal, then, in the evening, sometimes, he has some milk or little fruit, came back to our residence, and rest.

19th March 2016-Ekadashi-I woke-up at 3'o' clock, but guruji was already up, probably 01am or even before that, he is on the way to becoming Goswami, conquering the habit of eating and sleeping, glories.  We went upstairs to RG's home for Mangal Arti, rang the bell, but no response. We came down, did mangal arti at our place, Guruji sang Sansaar Daavaanal  and  I sang Nrisingha prayer and then chanting of our rounds.  Later, we went to RG's Office at 1st floor and there, guruji gave class on one of the very famous Bhagvatam verse starying with Aho Bakiyam stan Kaalkutam, and had Ekadashi prasad, came back to our place. Afternoon, RG Prabhu took us to his Goloka Education office and there was some program, Guruji gave lecture in English and I had the good fortune to do some Hindi translation, there was some sago pakoda prasadam and I don't think that guruji took any, but as you know, I am lusty for prasadam and I did not miss the opportunity.  In the evening, another program on ground floor of another building near our residence, guruji's lecture was very much loved by the people and it was translated again, and no need to mention that there was nice Ekadashi prasadam which guruji did not honour, but on behalf of guruji, his disciple did, all glories to Guruji! and came back and rest and the day is over.

Photo description :-Guruji honouring Ekadashi Prasad, Rama Giridhari Prabhu honouring prasad, Guruji making funny face knowingly while I take his photo, another photo of guruji and two photoes  at Goloka Education Office with the staff members and sitting next to Guru, the parents of RG Prabhu