Hare Krsna Maharaj,
Hope you have reached Nashville and recovering from your travel. May be you can sleep like king Mucukunda and when you are awake you see Lord Krsna (just joking)...
You were right that Guru-Tattva does austerities to benefit fallen souls. (storry of Nityananda-Gauranga & Sannyasi with white beard. do you want some ananda? ) It seem i am like that sannayasi.
I personally got to see your austerities done in short trip to Mumbai. 6 nigths and 6 different apartments.
i beg forgiveness of driving at 140 kmph. I was trying to reach destination as fast as possible. I did cause some troublevto you. you were right even Duryodhana tried his best to prevent the war...
HpS - ASA - No, Dhrtarastra, and that is the doubt. We say, "I tried my best!", but did we blame God for our problems, but He can say the same thing, "I also tried my best". Then who is responsible? Who cares... Just try our best some more.
I hope you were able to talk with Justice Mukundkam Sharma.
just a little thing to share ot blog readers (eso those of Ksatriya orientation)
“My dear King,” the Lord said, “because you are a kṣatriya, you have committed the offense of slaughtering animals, both in hunting and in political engagements. To become purified, just engage yourself in the practice ofbhakti-yoga and always keep your mind absorbed in Me. Very soon you will be freed from all reactions to such sordid activities.” In this statement it appears that although kṣatriyas are allowed to kill animals in hunting, they are not freed from the resultant contamination of sinful reactions. Therefore, whether one is a kṣatriya, vaiśya orbrāhmaṇa, one is recommended to take sannyāsa at the end of life, to engage himself completely in the service of the Lord and thus become freed from all sinful reactions of his past life.
The Lord then assured King Mucukunda, “In your next life you will take your birth as a first-class Vaiṣṇava, the best of brāhmaṇas, and in that life your only business will be to engage yourself in My transcendental service.”
May be next birth is definitely on cards for person like me.
Jaya Rama!!!
trying to be disciplined
harsh pradhan
HpS - ASA -- We wanted to spend more time with you "in your natural habitat". You seem like some kind of species of forest bird that lives in the trees and eats seeds all day long. I think there are three things that you should focus on:
Ha! Ha! Hare! I maybe hard, a "frontal assailt", but the result for you will be so, so great that I have not got enough Giga-bytes to describe it.
We will see you very soon when you are King of India.