Bhaktin Marta from Barcelona

8 years, 8 months ago by Bhaktin Marta in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Hanumat Presaka Swami!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Please accept my humble obeisances.

It's Bhaktin Marta, Jara Mara Hari Das's wife.

HpS - AGTSP!!!   Yes, I know. It is very nice to get your and through you his association. We hope he is happy. He does such austerities for Krsna and for the devotees!  He is a wonderful person.

Hope you've had a nice way back to the USA, you are recovering from all travelling, you are feeling well.

Thank you very much for your visit! It's been a great pleasure to share your association and presence in Madrid, Nueva Vrajamandala and Barcelona.
Thank you for Jung lectures. 
Also thank you very much for the meeting you had with Jara Mara Hari Das and me. It was truly helpful for him, for me.
Feeling fortunate and grateful.

These days we've reinforced friendship with devotees like Bhadra Vardana Das, Sananda Devi Dasi, Mathura Mani Devi Dasi, and many devotees from the farm and Barcelona. Also making new friends like Mani Sati Sita Devi Dasi, Sukanya Sita Devi Dasi and his [her] husband Prema Das.

I want to reinforce my relationship with Prabhupada. So I want to achieve chanting sixteen rounds again (just chanting between four and six rounds lately).
While living in Madrid's Temple it was easier. Now, living in the beautiful countryside in Cantabria, my tricky mind says I am already connected with Krsna through nature... Anyway, I am determined to improve this.
I'll try to assist to a three days "Disciple Course" in Nueva Vrajamandala next month.
I also need to improve reading Prabhupada's books, I enjoy listening more than reading...

Happily following four regulations and Dharma as a woman and wife. Regarding Dharma, still trying to find and keep balance. 

These days I am in Barcelona meeting family and old friends while Jara Mara is attending the permaculture course in Girona (he is learning and enjoying it a lot).
Situation with my family is getting better. My father has definitely disinherit me but I've finally accepted it and almost forgotten it. I love both mother and father very much.

HpS - Well, if he "disinherited" you that must mean that he loves you, no?!!   Ha!   Ha!  Hare.      99.99% of the cases parents begin to see the value of ISKCON and become very favorable after a while. Just keep giving your association to them as you can.

I have a dream: Jara Mara and I are travelling to wherever you are. You are giving him second initiation, giving me first initiation. We are getting married through Vedic sacred fire ceremony. All at once. 
This life? Next life?

ASA - Last life???   Every life??????

Thank you for keeping this communication channel, this is really helpful for all us. 

HpS - Sorry it has been slow. We are stuggling very, very much.

Good Lord Ramachandra's appearance day tomorrow! There will be a nice theatre festival in Barcelona's Temple.

Hare Krsna!

Your eternal servant,

Bhaktin Marta

HpS - ... and now!   Lord Nrsmhadeva's festival!

Lord Balarama is the Supreme Gardener. Carries a plow!

Hope to hear from Jara Mara!  Got many gardening questions.