8 years, 9 months ago by Germán Vegas in Personal Sadhana Reports


Hare Krsna Gurumaharaja

Please accept my humble obisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!

I have not written for a while, but we've been thinking about you very often, and awkwardly trying to understand the sense of your instructions. At the moment, I'm not in charge of the ​​education program anymore, the educational program the temple has been left to Omkara Prabhu provisionally. Now I am finishing my thesis, an old project that was postponed for the past 3 years. After obtaining my degree I can aspire to a master; I wish to keep studying!!! This project will take me the rest of this year and hope to be traveling to Mexico by december to give my professional exam. The topic I have chosen is a little dry but is in full force in the discussion of contemporary art and communication theory so I prefer to act in practical ways.

I keep reading, going Mangala aratik and gradually, understanding the details of my spiritual experience. I have been

disappointed in some things, but behind those problems there are deep and useful lessons. At the moment I concentrate on making me a better devotee, husband and professional. I'm trying to understand devotional service and its simultaneous simplicity and complexity. I want to understand how to play my professional life in Krishna consciousness, it has been damaging to establish differences so I've done. I've been reading the Caitanya Caritamrta. In relationship with His devotees, Lord Gauranga offers wonderful teachings, especially in regard to sentiment in the service and details thereof, according to the nature and karma of each of them.

Your recommendation to continue with the sadhana and the following of the principles manifest in some qualities that allow a better understanding of the circumstances and the subsequent decisions up to them. I have no devotional qualities, so it's hard for me, but I fight and I have a very great desire to be a devotee. Just I begin to understand the recommendations you gave me in earlier letters; I'm not very smart, but I trust you and the process and this confidence gives me strength.

I hope you're okay Gurumaharaja, Indira Sakti and I are triyng to follow your footsteps despite of our limitations.

Hope to see you soon.

Your servant Gandharva dasa

ASA - Thank you for the news! You can see we are back in Tennessee are getting settled just like you and the Indira Sakti Devi Dasi!

The wind it blows across the reef

And the sand it goes away.

But the coconut tree he bends and sings

And lives his life his way.

Because he has a simple but deep root.

Put your life in one little phrase and live with that forever.