8 years, 10 months ago by Panca tattva das in Personal Sadhana Reports
AgtSP,Pamho... Haré Krishna Gurudev!!! I hope and desire you recibe this letter with good health and in auspicious moment. Thanks for asking about our family situation..Actualy my mother, sister and brother apreciate Very much our ocupatión...especialy my mother shes always saying that shes proud of me She always asks if threre is new publicaciones and during SP maratona she distribute some books at work..Last maraton we stay at home a couple of days with other devotes and my mother wanted to wash ouf cloths, the devote said:No is Ok I'Il wassh them..so my mother said "please let me wash them so I purificate too"" She is always doing things that shows shes devotion...and I always think that she is more devote that I am... When I asosiate with my mother y realize that before being a devote I must be a good human being.My father is not so favorable but he is acepting more an more with time passes.. Generaly when Im in Sankirtana I give to people the local temple contact.But now I'm creating a Contact list so they can keep in touch, we have one devote that is helping with our office work.we want to generate a program for skt contacts with some basic clases in web with options of doing some questions and build some relationships.. Sankirtan is an ocean of Néctar!!!! Were I can easely find Krsna in people and try to develop compasion, pacience, austerity,surrender, etc...I wish I never give up book distribución..please pray for me GM..Jai Srila Prabhupada!!!! HARE KRISHNA.. ALWAYS PRAYING FOR GOURA NITAY ,SP AND YOURS MERCY TO KEEP ON THIS PATH... your servant and asistant.. Ptd.. HpS - Very nice news. We are in Spain then home for two months. Is it time to focus on training Sankirtan men more than doing Sankirtan personally? Do you read the DTCs?