8 years, 9 months ago by hps in Special Category B
CC 3.1.3-4 Taking shelter of Six ... means chanting "Sad Goswami Astaka" daily, no? Do it. Then write about a pig named Paul Whose days were spent in Braja thrall. Where we find Sudam, Sridham, Rama, Subal. 16 03 19 (2.11a.m.) R(4) ... Only a madman travels without a flute or a harp or something to thumb. By sure Hari Kirtan even atomic bombs in their silos collapse with a hum. 2.28 a.m. Does this pig want to kill me? Is this second pig my friend. You must look at the people around you, Expecting at any moment your current life may end. SATISFY THE DEMONS 3.24 a.m. R(10)