I am still aliveeeeeeee !

8 years, 10 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva



I hope iur health is OK, I know that iur utsahan is always good and U are an amazing devotee of Lord Rama and u are always under His shelter!

We have ours ups and downs in general, but fixed in ISKCON,4p ok, 16 rounds.. ummm we have some to catch up on... our rounds are not good enough but we continue with faith on the Holl1y Names...

We continue in charge of pujari, but is not the same as before, we try to work nicely along with the junta,a job that is not easy. Nevertheless we had a very nice Nityananda Trayodasi Festival, more than 108 preparations...

We continue teaching BS... Mani Sati Sita is our student, and maybe some devotees from ecuador and Colombia, they are devotees who Deva deva das know

I am traveling to Bs As hope to meet Srila Krsna Keetra Maharaja! Hope to gain inspiration about deity worship from Him... He is presenting his book about deity worship

FMP is still alive... Sananda is the most regular in the program, miss U so much Gurudeva

I am helping Abhiram with some translations for the event in June, solaris....

Pictures from Nityananda Trayodasi and for our Radhika Syam Bihari 

That's it... Thank U GM for iur inspiration

Trying to be iur disciple


HpS-ASA - Your letters are so refreshing for us. Are you doing to many things? Maybe you should just be doing one thing. What is that?