Questions about Lord Nrsimhadeva 3

8 years, 12 months ago by NMA in Personal Sadhana Reports
HpS - ASA. - Ooof! Mataji! This letter is much bigger and more detailed than we can digest. Our suggestion is that you have to learn how to take education from local Brahmanas, not just us and Prabhupada. O. K? At this stage we can like any Visnnu form, but put practical focus had to be on Lord Caitanya. NoI 5 tells us how to get advice with different levels of devotees! ###### Very Dear Hanumat Presaka Swami Maharaja. Please accept my most humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! How are you? How is your health? I got worried when I resd that you were doing better but still with fever... And you always giving a perfect example of Sadhana, amongst many other things too, even with fever and all... I always admired and thought of you as an example in this matter. Thank very much for your responses. I've been reading NOI verse 8 and the SB C5 verses you told me. I needed those answers, Thank You. Reading more NOI 8 and investigating more, I know now that our Istha Deva is Krsna and no one else. Is this right? (still confused why I like so much Lord Nrsimhadeva.. is that wrong that I think more of Him than Krsna?..) I read that in India is common to "search" one's Istha Deva as that who will satisfy our wishes from our nature. But I understand this as worshipping demigods when they are not Visnu-tattvas and desires are material, right?And the funny fact is that everybody's common Istha Deva is Lord Visnu. Please tell me how should Lord Nrsimhadeva be prayed and worshipped then. I was told many sifferent things: protection, serve Krsna well, become Nrsimha's devotees and do our Ksatriya nature dutties... I'm confused. I want to follow official authorized instructions. I trust yours and SP's. Sorry for making so much questions, but I don't want to speculate or be unloyal to Srila Prabhupada. And you once again for the following: When I was 6 months in the movement I started having serious troubles. Some because of my mistakes, others not. A devotee told me that since things were getting so hard, I pray to Lord Nrsimhadev more seriously. He presented me the Nrsimha Kavaca. I read it and felt much attraction to it. I was very naive and accepted the kavaca without knowing if I should. I was remembering its meaning while chanting (as well as the Nrsimha Pranam! But now Im studying it word from word as you told me) and liked it more and more. I always liked to remember it at other moments in the day, while serving, having Prasadam, etc. Like repeating it in my insides. I felt protected and helped since I was alone and helpless. Troubles slowly disappeared. Even being very big troubles spiritually and materially. The devotee who gave it to me turned to be a bad influence for me and many others. We found out late, I was already chanting for 2 months by then. Troubles seemed to be gone by then and being the source of the kavaca not good, I decided to, with respect and grateful to Lord Nrsimha, stop chanting His kavaca. Concentrate only in MM. After 3 months, same heavy troubles and difficult in spiritual life returned. And a year after, my spiritual life was going lower and lower. Until November 2015 when I felt again to ask for help to Lord Nrsimhadeva. Slowly things got better. Again, another devotee appeared and told me "you can chant Ugram Veeram to ask for further help to the Lord, devotees in Mayapur do it so". Dear Maharaja, I've been too stupid, or naive. Out of despair I've been taking help from devotees who right after went out to light they were not-so-fixed devotees. I don't want to do anything that Srila Prabhupada hasn't said, or it's unauthorized, or I am not prepared. And somehow I am getting all this info about the Lord and kavacas without even asking, even a Nrsimha Kavaca armlet which is travelling from Mayapur now as a gift for me, not even askinh for it... You are the only one that I am oficially asking and want to follow instructions, authorized prayers suitable for my level. I feel very safe and good when I sing Nrsimha Kavaca. I feel and experienced unprotected when I don't. I chanted it 8 months of my lifr until now. I meditate in it's meaning and I like to Glorify the Lord with it, not just ask for His protection. But I don't want to do anything without permission. Neither outside SP's instructions. Same for Ugram Veeram mantra. I told the devotee who is giving me the Nrsimha Kavaca armlet if that shouldn't ge given only by one's Guru only. He told me in Mayapur they just sell these to everybody. Still I feel in the need to ask for permission and blessings. What do I do with all this? Your wellwisher and aspirant to serve, NRDD