Before all, I've got to say I don't know how to start a letter to a Spiritual Master, in fact, to the person I desire to be my instructor in Krsna Consciousness; so, I ask you, beforehand, to forgive me for any mistake or offense I could do... I'm just a neophyte.
I salute you with a deep respect, all the glories for you, all my reverences for you, Srila Prabhupada and, also, for all devotees of our Lord, Sri Krsna.
I hope you remember me, this is the first time I write to you, my name is Carlos, I'm from Santiago of Chile. I'm Visvanath's brother in law.
We had a first talk in 21st January 2014, an interview for a magazine, in the cultural center of the government palace. This year, the same month, we had others brief conversations into the ISKCON Congress in Chile, also you shared a few words with my daughter, infinite thanks for that, Guru Maharaj. That time, you told me that I can write to you.
I just wanna let you know a very brief summary about my life after the congress.
7th february, sunday, a devotee girl gave me my Tulsi Kanthi necklace, and the same day, a few hours later, one of your disciples, Garga-Acarya Das, gave me my Japamala. That was a very magical day.
8th february, monday, early monrning, I started to chant Maha Mantra with my Japamala, just praying a few rounds, chanting everyday, progressively increasing.
February 17, wednesday, I finally got to the 16 rounds. Since then, some days I could chant 18 or over 20 rounds. Now, 16 rounds are so hard to chant, but I can do it anyway, 16 at least, with great effort.
Since a few months ago, everyday I read The Bhagavad Gita and also other books of Srila Prabhupada. Some days I go out into the street to distribute books of Srila Prabhupada.
Since august 2015, I've been involved in a deep problem around my daughter, it affects my whole family, this circumstance continues developing.
Every week I have been sharing time, many hours talking, with another of your chilean disciples, Ananda Vardhana Das. And also, I have been talking with Rodrigo, as you told me, about the book I wanna write.
I wanna be your friend.
I would really like to send a personal message to you, how can I do it? I hope this is possible.
Everyday I think of Krsna and Srila Prabhupada. And everyday I think about your person, Guru Maharaj. I've got an altar in my bedroom, can I put a picture of you, please?
Hoping to hearing from you soon, I'm deeply grateful for this opportunity that you have given me...
All blessings to you, your disciples and any people around you...
Your aspiring disciple, Carlos Rold.
HpS - Hare Krsna. I didn't know you were Visvanatha's brother in law. I wrote to the address on the magazine card you gave me but never heard from you. Japa is the basis. Get 16-nice round done early and then you can solve family problems etc well. It gets better and better. Write again after a few weeks more of following Srila Prabhupada.