Mayapur dhama

Please accept my humble obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Dear Guru Maharaj,

We just arrived in Mayapur early this morning and this trip has already been an adventure! After a harrowing ride from Calcutta we were dropped off by the Vaisnava academy guest house at like 3am. Nobody knew where to go but we ended up getting our spot. Just cleaned up, went to mangala arati and been ecstatic all day. My colleagues and I are going to get some milk, try to find my bag and then go for a dip in Ganga. I heard we just missed you, we'll have to try again in Vrndavan. By then I'll be more purified I hope!

Your servant,

Bhakta Eric

HPS - hare Krsna! We are in airport in Guwahati. Pirates boarded our airplane at 22,000 feet and demanded colour televisions. That put us short of fuel so we landed here. They took an NoI each of were autographed them. 25th - 29th in Braja. !