languishing in hill country

9 years ago by aron illo in Personal Sadhana Reports
hare krsna guru maharaja. please accept my humble obeisances. all glories to guru and gauranga. all glories to srila prabhupada. my sincere appreciation and admiration go to you for responding to me. forgive me for my delay in responding. i wanted to write immediately but have had issues with my computer. it pains me so to hear you are suffering from a cold. i pray to lord nrsimhadeva for your speedy recovery. my son is doing well. thank you so much for asking. i am heading to dallas this afternoon to visit him. also while in dallas i will pray for sri sri radha kalachandji's blessing to have your darshan somewhere in india in the near future, haribol. aspiring to serve the vaisnavas aron illo HPS - hare krsna. We left Mayapura and are now in the primitive North East. There is big military presence hear. Misra says we may all meet in Braja. Your son of becoming a young man, no?