Questions about Lord Nrsimhadeva

9 years ago by NMA in Personal Sadhana Reports
Very Dear Hanumat Presaka Swami Maharaja, Please accept my most humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! Dear Maharaja, sorry, first of all, because I am really nervious and lost about what I am about to write. But I am more lost not doing it. I met you a few years ago in Buenos Aires. I only talked to you once, again in Buenos Aires Argentina, last year. Finally I dare to! I told you about some visuals I had while chanting japa at 2am, on previous months. I told you one of them as if they were actual written stories about Krsna. Then you told me about my karma as a future mom of 2 kcon childs as "Maybe Srimati Radharani is telling you 'I need you to have these children!'". Now I understand it. And also why did you stopped me while telling "the story" I saw while chanting those special rounds... You also told me "good luck with your Karma" and gave me the chance to translate for you, about praying to Krsna with all our heart, for a mataji that was asking to you. (Something I want to keep doing! How can I serve you with translations?) Ok, then, maybe with all this you got a clue of who I am. Nobody really important, but I trust in your memory, even for something insignificant. HpS - Hare Krsna! Actual I have little memory of this but not detailed! ... I come to you now with a even-more-weird topic... But seriously. I need to know about Lord Nrsimhadeva: I always tend to like Him, since my beggining in KCON. How can I know if He is my Istha Deva? With which prayers can I glorify Him and ask for His protection in this hostile world? With which sadhana? Those are just to start... If I can have the completely undeserved mercy that you guide me on worshipping Lord Narasimha, and allow me to continue enquiring. Otherwise, just this answer will have to be enough although I want to know much more about Him... If is my Lord. What my mission and seva is. In what way. Which mood. Etc... I was told and also read that tou are Lord Nrsimha's devotee. And for some reason you have been always present in dreams, thoughts, group of Gurus I feel attachment and affection... Even before seeing you the first time. Even when we are far away. And in the strangest times on my life, you always appeared in dreams and shaked my heart and head, sometimes with your meere presence, others even with heavy instructions ("what are you thinking before, during, and after the rounds???"), just like that! And I don't even really know you or am disciple of yours... Waiting also for instructions if you want me to help in your translations (eng-spa). Many devotees and some dear Maharajas qualify me as a very good translator. So I am looking for helping in your mission! A stranger, aspirant to serve, Nadia Radha dd HPS - We can maybe act a little as Siksa guru through this Blog. Read text eight in NOI. It describes coming to know our Istadevata perfectly, but that doesn't mean we can't have affection for some form of the lord even now. Local Brahmans can give you advice about how to worship him. The prayers were chant after mangala arati are nice for start. Learn the word by word meaning of those.