Boise Idaho Dedication - yes ?urgent info?

8 years, 11 months ago by kalindidevi dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports
03/02/16 Haribol from Radha-Gopinatha's home! Dandavats and Pranams! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!!!!!! 1. Yes we are coming to Boise ISKON dedication. Made plane reservations as soon as we received your blog in which you invited us to attend. Dave P. spoke this morning with Anantarupa Das for more details. We will stay in motel and rent car so we won't be much trouble. In fact hope to be able to do some little services to serve Their Lordships and you, of course. Will also advertise event at ISKON Sac. 2. Sri Sri Radha-Gopinatha now in Their new temple room next to the living room. You may remember den with large, white, French doors? They are there now for good!!!! When doors are open onto living room, it was a great home temple venue for last home program here. Having another one mid-April. I've been nothing but sick for 3 weeks. Slightly better now. Praying Our Lord will grant me reprieve so plans for Boise can go forth. Taking dust of your feet, Your aspiring Servant, Kalindi Devi Dasi HpS - Yes I remember the room. Develop your nitya seva to them more and more. The one you do in your eternal body.