India Travel

9 years ago by raktak in Calendar Development

Respected Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances.  All glories to Srila Prabhupad.

I am confused, should I book my ticket from Mumbai to Delhi on the same flight with you on 25th of march on Air India departing 07am to Delhi or I should wait and do this thing while I am with you in Mumbai?

Very happy to know that now you are in Mayapur Dham and are giving your association to many devotees, but unhappy to know that your health is not good, I pray for you, but please please take some rest, extra rest.

Thank you very much, HARE KRISHNA.

yours servant,

Raktak Das

HpS - Hare Krsna! Tomorrow we go to Kolkata airport and fly to Manipur. At the airport I will try to see if I can change my ticket. If it costs like $100 I will just wait in Dehli airport for Dr and Mrs. So, tomorrow will send more news. Call us on phone if you need to. +91 958 259 7508