greetings from hill country texas

9 years ago by aron illo in Personal Sadhana Reports


yatra yatra gurum pasyet tatra tatra krtanjali

pranamet dandavad bhumau chinna-mula iva drumah

guror vakyasanam yanam padukopanahau tatha

vastram chayam tatha sisyo langhayen na kadacana

sri sri guru-gaurangau jayatah.  this undeserving monkey rascal soul offering unlimited dandavat and pranam wishes to place your lotus like feet at her head.  my ineffective wish is that your dear self are in good health and experiencing the transcendental mellows that come from chanting the ever sweet maha mantra.

begging for your gracious mercy i ask for your compassionate forgiveness for so thoughtlessly not following your instruction.

if lord krishna allows i will be in sri dham mayapur soon and pray to be in your wonderful association.

aspiring to serve hari, guru and vaisnavas,

aron illo

HpS - Hare Krsna! We ask about you from time to time and receiving such a nice letter makes us happy. Right now our health is horrible. We came down with a hellish cold yesterday and right in the middle of it this morning. Other people have worse problems and don't complain. They do their duty and chant Hare Krsna. We leave Mayapura on Friday! We go to Manipura. The calendar is in the Newsletter. Let us stay in contact. That will help everyone. How is your son? Misra Bhagavān Das is here.