URGENT! Looking for Krsna´s Mercy through the spiritual Master

8 years, 11 months ago by haroldsc in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Maharaj Hanumat Presaka Swami;

My Name is Harold Schofield (Your old friend Doctor from Lima) I know you since 1992 almost 24 years... and its impossible for me to forget Krsna and the connection arose with you...

Now I am 47 years old and the beautifull angel of dead is getting closer... All these years the Maha Mantra was in my mouth, I worship Deities, worship Tulsi, read Prabhupada books and recently also being completely vegetarian.... Knowing that you will come in June or July to Lima - Peru could you please let me have a short interview with you so maybe in 2017 you can initiate me? I know you allways prefer a lapse of time for proving my sincerity.

In this lapse of time I will start with my 16 rounds chanting, Eating allways Vegetarian with no eggs or garlic, Not Drinking coffe or tea, Not gambling and doing my best for improved my sexual life (my couple its not a devotee)

So I trust with all my heart in Krishna´s Mercy and stay confidence that all these years you where so close like my Guru....

With my Humble obeisances

Your servant



[email protected]

HpS - Bhakta Harold, Willy and Margot! So nice to hear from you and your life. Please look at the guru-tattva document listed in the News on the web-page. Details of formalities of initiation are there, but essence it's communicating. Write, read to, from this Blog. Thank you.