Hare Krsna / Hare Rama!
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Jaya Radhe! Jaya Shyama!
Jaya Sri Vrndavana Dhama!
We got behind on your rounds when we had to rest for the headache in Houston and have not been able to catch up. Now we are 11-rounds behind. Today we make progress.
Yesterday we met with four professors a MTSU for three hours. Then our battery died on our car in the icey cold rain and we had to negotiate getting it charged, but it was successful. Lots of work before we leave for India.
Our eyes, memory, respiration, brains are all failing. Lots of packing to do before we die. We want to take our service with us!
We will Tweet our Japa progress. The travel time from door to door to India will be about 28-hours!
Soldiers of Gauranga!