9 years, 1 month ago by raktak in Calendar Development

Respected Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances.  All glories to Srila Prabhupad.

Thanks a lot for your kind letter.

Because of my financial and family situation, I am only able to travel with you just for two weeks, believe me that I would love to travel with you for all the one and a half month tour, but at the moment, I do not see that.  I was thinking to join you from Kolkata to Manipur and from there to Mumbai.  But now, since there is a change in your program, I have to change my program as well.  Now you are going to Manipur, and from there, you are coming back to Kolkata, whereas previously, you were supposed to go to Mumbai from Manipur as I understood,  Because in Kolkata, you might be staying with Esteemed Dr. Samresh and I do not see my role there much, unless you order me to be in Kolkata. Though I love very much to go with you to Manipur, looks like it is not going to work.  Now here is my program:- I can join you from Mumbai and then, travel with you to Vrindavan, Delhi and thus I spent my two weeks With you.

As far as booking the rooms in Delhi, no problem for that, I can ask Gokul Hari Das or someone to go to the temple and book on our behalf, but about  Mayapur, I am not very sure, a few days ago, one devotee from here, Brisbane, tried to book the room and answer was that all the rooms are booked during Gaur-Purnima time and the GBC meetings. What do you think? Another thing, I will book the room in Delhi Temple guest house for Doctor Bandopadhayaya only once we get confirmation from him, since you have written this letter to him as well, may be we should wait for his answer, once he says yes, immediately, I will book the room for him.

Please let me know your thoughts about it, may be you want me to be in a particular place, instead of Mumbai etc? your decision would be final, thanks a lot, HARE KRISHNA.

yours servant,

Raktak Das

HpS - AGTSP.   We answered this fine letter in Yahoo and in the letter from Girivaradhari Gopal Das. We hope you got it there. Thank you.