hare krsna dear Gurudeva!!!
Thanks a lot for Ur pacience with this silly disciple who always tries to follow all ur instructions... We received Ur response to our poor report!
As we told U in the letter Ur words are tattooed in the depth of our heart... everyday we pray to be a good example of devotee.
Actually We really need Ur help. U are our only hope to be connected to Srila Prabhupada.
We always try to keep track of our debts. So chant, chant, chant!
Krsna is always giving us so much mercy to remember Him that we cannot be more thankful... just yesterday we went to the ER for a pain in the hand and now we have to wear a splint for 3 weeks... jojojojo
See U in just a few days!!! we are extremely happy to see U again