Querido Guru Maharaja, Pamho, TlgaSP.
Perdone por no escribir antes, perdone tambien todas mis ofensas me postro a sus a sus pies de loto.
HpS - ASA --- TlgaSP! Sus pies son de loto!
...deseandole siempre buena salud y esperando ansiosa poder verlo pronto,es usted un padre para mi,aunque talvez yo no meresca ser hija suya,he pasado momentos dificiles y este que atravieso ahora es uno de esos tantos.canto diariamente 20 rondas gurudeva,entre a cuidados intensivos durante 17 dias ya sali de eso,mi salud mejora y a veces recaigo,mi hijo muy bien canta 3 rondas diarias no lo obligo a mas solo a que pase de a pocos.
MAHARAJA en este momento prabhu AMALA KARUNA me informo que desea separase de mi,mejor dicho me anuncio la separacion por una discusion ,el tiene un caracter fuerte y dificil y yo bueno no puedo callar ,hago mi esfuerzo maximo para no contestar pero a veces es inevitable,Gurudeva no se como asimilar esto me siento desprotegida y sola y pregunto si todo pasa porque krshna asi lo quiere,¿porque krshna quiso que me casara con amala karuna? si despues el me iba a dejar ,yo vivia en lima y tenia mi casa un trabajo una vida y el me dijo para venir a cusco vender mis cosas dejar todo,y ahora el se va y se lleva todo hasta la mesa y yo como quedo MAHARAJA enferma sola sin proteccion alguna,se que solo debo rendirme a krshna y todo se arreglara pero nose como tengo un niño conmigo.
Gurudeva aconsejeme porfavor digame que hacer,como actuar que debo esperar ,es tan dificil ser mujer y en esta condicion no se como actuar,mi pensamiento y entendimiento se nubla le pido me ayude a tener inteligencia y tener la capacidad de mejorar de convertirme en una buena devota en una buena hija y discipula para usted.
trato Gurudeva de hacer las cosas cada dia mejor y rendirme cada dia mas Maharaja cada dia mas y mas a los pies de nuestro amado krshna para poder liberarme ya de todo este enredo material ,mientras sigo aca y sin saber que hacer.
que krshna siempre le cuide y me mantenga a su servicio siempre...
esperando algun dia ser su hija
bhaktin amparo
HpS - ASA - Jaya! www.translate.google.com. Thank you for your letter. We will write in simple English so that the robot can translate our letter easily. It is not possible for us to give too much detailed advice from so great a distance. We don't know the details. We do not have close contact with all the devotees involved.
In general there is the example of Narada Muni: http://www.vedabase.com/es/sb/1/6/9 and the following verse.
He was only a 5-year old child, but he took the loss of his family and material shelter as the mercy of Krsna.
You may feel that you are not that advanced, but why not? At the time of death our only shelter is Krsna, why not now also.
I have been through this. If you are really a Sanyasis you do not have shelter of your family, political institution, church institution. You have to depend on Krsna. Of course, He can act through these family and church relations, but that is His choice. That is what He did with Arjuna. He told Arjuna, "Surrender to Me, chant Hare Krsna!", and Arjuna did it. Then He told Him to go back and fight the battle, but for Him.
So, do that, take shelter of Krsna.
I have done it, and He gave me very practical advice, and personally helped.
So, did you come to Cusco only on Amala's recommendation? If yes, that was not very careful. You should have some relation with the devotees there. Ask them to help. Ask other people you know to help. Be honest. If you have made mistakes, say so. Apologize. There is no mistake that you can make that you cannot correct. Krsna will help.
God is good, life is good if we are just trying to be good people in Krsna's kingdom.
If you go on like you are now, you will see all the problems turn into assets.
(Then Krsna will send bigger problems! Ja! Ha! Hare.)
We salute your daughter.