updated news ¡¡

9 years, 1 month ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva



I always hope U are fine, I always pray for your health ¡¡

I have already posted my annual report but , I could not put some things that I want to inform U also


I woke [wake] up at 4:00 am

16 rounds Ok, nevertheless, I do not have a record of how many rounds I owe, so I made a vow today in Moksada Ekadasi to chant 20 rounds daily for 3 months ¡¡¡

HpS - Wow!   Super-bhaktin!

4 principles strictly

Everyday reading SB, I join FMP everyday, whenever I don’t is when I have to go and dress GN ¡¡,

I join Hawaii and BS classes

Also BV Godfather


Head pujari, but I do not have a fixed turn ¡¡ I try to organize more and talk to devotees in general and try to be more social, make a team spirit for GN and JBS so by serving the deities  … the devotees just by seeing them be inspired and do Sankirtan ¡¡¡, etc. One thing is that I do not see Them as my kids anymore , for me the concept of kids had [has] changed, I see Them as my Beloved Lordships and I guess I have more respect for Them. But whenever I see Nityananda’s face my heart just melt ¡¡

BS tutor

Communications for solaris, and the Symposium in June

Theraphy [therapy]:

My phychologist told me “ Claudia, Congratulations U are a [an]  ADULT now, in the past U were very comfortable running,, now you try to face your problems, do not just cry and you try to understand the situation, still we have to work a little more” ¡¡¡ She adviced me to do Yoga and this is helping me a lot, to focus


I am pretty happy because now I have the opportunity to work as an engineer. I made one practice in Cieneguilla with a biodigestor I felt so good, I do not have any pictures but I was working with the soil making compost ¡¡ jaja It was so funny the smell was not of roses, but being in contact with nature made me feel alive ¡¡¡ happy ¡¡¡

HpS - Jayaaaaaaaaaaa!  You can do the same in Goloka with M. Yasoda.

Thinking to move to the country in the future….

Seva: When I moved to Mar del Plata I left my deities JBS and Radha Krsna with Patraka then when I returned I realized that They were happier with him, so They are with him (JBS)

When Ptrk was in chile Kamalangi ¡¡ Arjuna’s wife, when She saw my Radhe Bankee Bihari she wanted Them ,and asked me to take care of Them, she helped me a lot ¡¡ so I say yes..

So now I serve JBS that U gave me, GN, Laksmi Nrsmha and Radhika is looking for Her Krsna¡¡¡    Madhumati dd went to India so she is delivering me one Krsna for my Sri Radhika ¡¡¡    In Mar del HH BSG told us that Radharani should not be alone even if she was with the flute, plus many devotees told me that, and when I asked U You told me that I had already one RK and that it was not necessary but now I do not have Them  anymore ¡¡¡ so now if Krsna wants He is coming before Your visit, so I want to present Them to U.    Radha carana dd painted Him and choose Him for me ¡¡ I am so grateful with her.

My mother is going to have her surgery on Nityananda Trayodasi, it is kind of interesting, when my sister had a surgery it was also on the appearance day of my Beloved Nityananda ¡¡¡

HpS - !

In attached is a picture of us and Dr Ormeño, he is one of my father's best friends, he is helping us with my mom's surgery he is a extremely nice person ¡¡¡ JAYA.

In General my Godbrothers and sisters are amazing they help , support and put up with me a lot. Thank U so much for iur support and patience

Well that’s it Gurudeva

Looking forward to see U

Trying to be iur disciple


HpS - Sounds good. Seems that maybe you can focus on going directly to Krsna, quickly, no detour to husband, kids, society, grandkids, nephews...!