A reference from your good self.

9 years, 1 month ago by jashodev chatterjee in Special Category A

Your Holiness,

Please accept my prostrated obeisances. All glories to your good self. 

It seems from your reply that in your manifest lila quantum physics may not be your forte or rather it will take some endeavour on your part to become so.  Thus I am requesting you to kindly refer me to someone who is fluent with quantum physics and other theories of physics such as the theory of relativity, string theory etc . He should also have a little bit of time on his hands and some theistic insights.  I will be very grateful to you for this favour. I am being penitent if this endeavour too is uneconomical and can only motivate you by saying that I, in my small ways, am trying to contribute to the growing body of evidence that without a theistic component reality does not make sense and you will be contributing in that regard.

HpS - ASA - Jaya!   The only person I know working in this area is Rasaraja Das. You should look for his web page as the Bhaktivedanta Insitute. He is connected with center in Bombay. Other, conflicting branches, are located elsewhere.
Hmmm!   Its impossible to find any devotee "with time on his hands", but if you have some substantial perspective he will be glad to work with you as far as I know.

Specific to my questions I can say that if my insights are a little accurate and can be substantiated by further mathematical and physical insights, scientists of the calibre of Richard Feynman (who is a Nobel Laureate [We know him, he is our relation]), prop up seemingly plausible explanations of a reality which could explitively be described to be inaccurate. A lot of people still believe that the so called "exact" sciences and their derivatives in their present state can explain everything that is to be witnessed now and in the future without scope for the mystical (of course, a hydrogen bomb would appear quite 'mystical' or 'supernatural' to someone of the calibre of Newton, thus the description "mystical" is itself quite 'mystical'). In my insignificant ways I aim to collapse that fanaticism.

Your servant


HpS - ASA - Have you seen "Quantum Questions" by Ken Wilber? It is an excellent anthology of phsilosophical writings by Einstein, James Jean, DeBrogli, Eddington, Schroedinger, Pauli et al.