AGTSP! PAMHO *Gurudev*

9 years, 1 month ago by Yamila Sandivara in Personal Sadhana Reports

I apologise for the delay.

 we buy a department and are arranging; without Internet.

 I am employed of librarian at secondary public schools. Also I study in the university Psychology. I am interested the cognitive psychology and the neuroscience. Soon I can begin to give lessons of psychology in schools; with this I seek to introduce some concepts Vedic philosophy to promote some pupils in his good qualities. My husband is a teacher of music and already it is doing of this form his work; the pupils take part much of his classes and do questions.

In January, 2014; We went to Buenos Aires. We seening Your classes Gurudev.

(Deidades, Vamshi one year ago, Nandagram, Yasasvini) (photo)

HpS - Thank you for you biography and photos. We seem to confusing you with one of our initiated disciples with a similar name, but is very nice to hear from you. We hope that you can participate in this Carl Jung x Srila Prabhupada work. It is very productive.  I guess we see you soon in Argentina! You plan seems to be pretty good. Challenges is to make your rounds better.