Some news from Chicago.

9 years, 2 months ago by etasakrsnadas in Personal Sadhana Reports


Dear Gurudeva,

It's been a long time since my last letter, my apologies for that.

  1. The temple is going through a transition because the BCARI asrama is colsed due to differences between Authorities and Senior Bcaris. But I am alowed to stay and work there.
  2. Could sound like a joke, but I will be running for Temple president of Iskcon Chicago. I told to the current president, "give me some time until I get my degree and some managment skills and after that you can consider me for the job". I would like to use the best years of my life taking care of the devotees at other level at least for a period of time. It is not an easy task though.
  3. I founded the Vamsi School of music, to teach kirtan, and also preach through music education to the general audiences and introduce  devotional instruments in the current and dominant western culture. Many talented people is working with me on this and I count with full souport from the temple. We are working to make of this the best option to learn kirtan in United States.
  4. Pujari services helped me to attain a strong sadhana, good rounds. SB class online on the train. Finally after a long day studying I finish by dressing their lordships at eve. The negative aspect of it is that there is not so much time left for sankirtana in any of its forms for now. I am completly thankful with you Gurudeva for allow me to intensify my relationship with Krsna through this service.
  5. By the end of 2016 I am getting my AA degree. By the end of 2018 I am getting my bachelors degree and Comumbia College Chicago. I changed the major from music to TV production and direction. After a deep meditation on it, I think that we need more devotees involved in media. Iskcon all ready has many ingeniers, many philosofers, many musicians. I hope to use those skills in the service of Prabhupada's movement and to mantain a Vaishnava Familly in the future.

That's all for now Dear Gurudeva.  There are many things to organize here. Would you be interested in visit Chicago on 2016? May be Fall semester or srimg 2017?

Thank you dear Gurudeva for give me shelter at your lotus feet. Always looking forward to get your transcendental association again.

ys Etasa Krsna Das  

Hp Swami Hare Krsna. Yes, we really miss new from Kishor Kishori, Thank you. Also very surprising senior brahmacari management can't get along. Your schedule sounds okay. Can't do everything in one step, but always remember the goal is prema. How is your family, associates in Argentina? Are you going to visit there, What are you reading studying now our Prabhupada books? Now we fly to Nashville.