K-West, K-kirti Das, HpS Dialog

9 years ago by hps in Special Category A

> It is so nice, honourable, to meet an intellectual, an
> ectomorph I guess? Have you got a biography some place that
> we can read? Ours on the Wikpedia is pretty accurate, last
> time I saw it.
> We are organizing a symposium with the National Library
> (Archives) of Peru, end of June, on "Psychology of the
> Sacred". Could you join?

> In your article about Krsna West you write: "What is
> happening here is that by denying that Krishna has specific
> preferences for (in this case) a specific cuisine or
> preparation, the preferences of the so-called worshipper are
> substituted for Krishna’s, and the so-called worship that
> goes on in the name of Krishna is in fact mundane sense
> gratification."

> Hmmm. Can we call it Karma-misra-bhakti yoga instead of
> "mundane sense gratification"? Kubja wanted to have sense
> gratification with Krsna, so ...  Krsna gratified Her,
> and then by that association then the happiness derived from
> associating with Krsna can replace the gratification derived
> from serving the mundane senses.
> Of course, do some, none, part or all of the members of
> Krsna West want to dovetail material desires, sandwiches in
> stead of Chapatis and Panir Subji, and NOT progress to
> asking Krsna what He wants for lunch.
> Seems like a big topic, what is Krsna West?

> We are Anjana Suta Academy, www.jayrama.us
> We have a Blog and we will post this there for all of our
> eager members to see. At least Krsna West, Hrd Goswami, have
> created some interest in these topics. That seems to have
> some value.
> Right now 3.43PM in Tennessee. Miserable, cold, dark weather
> outside. Sunset in 45-minutes. We will go back to working on
> our www.jayarama.us/archives/godfather-diploma PPTX.

> How can we be of help in your
> service????????   !!!!