Golokera Prema Dhana...

9 years, 1 month ago by bhaktanicasio in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Gurudev!!,

Please accept my humble obeisances,

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!

Here we are from our cave in mar del plata! We have been with His Holiness Bhakti Gauravani Goswami the whole weekend, he stayed here. Sadhu sanga Ki jay!!!

HpS - ASA -- Maharaja is from Spain, no? Germany??

Next month we move to Sama our workplace, this is to keep our structure simple in order to focus on sadhana. One house to live and work, not one for working another for living, oooff!!

Psychoteraphy is helping me a lot to follow the process in a more deeper way.

My therapist follow the school of Hector Fernandez Alvarez (www.aigle.org.ar) they integrate different psychology techniques according to the needs of the patient.

For me is working!!! Now i realized that I'm not my emotions, so however i feel i keep chanting!!!

Manu and Benji are three days a week with me, then the rest with their mother. Austerity is to notice how different both of us raise them, so when i meet them after two days with mom is intense. But as you said me once, they will choose which kind of life they want to live. But they know very clear, daddy is a Krishna Bhakta!!

ASA - On every single bill from the USA, $1, $10, $20, $50, $100... it says, "In God W Trust".   Hmmm.  In what does their Mother trust??

16 R 4 P ok. Now we are determined not to change asram until fixed in sattva guna. So now we are UPAKURVANA BRAMACHARI ( TEMPORARY BACHELOR ) Any advice?

ASA - Give your therapist samosas if you can!

December marathon is here, so many books are going away!, we prepared a nice strategy!! We made a program kind of weekends warriors, we go out on harinam every sunday after the feast and many join to go out and distribute books.

Then we made 4 books set, wraped as christmas gift so devotees can make a trascendental christmas gift!!

Little by little we are feeling much better, inner peace!!!

We feel happy of being part of ISKCON family, devotees are great in all respect! They are my core family!!

Thank you Gurudeva For being a loving and living example for us!!

We struggle to become a better tool for you!!

At your divine, beautiful and soft lotus feet!!!

HpS - Skins a little wrinkled and dry, toe-nails need clipping. More soft-headed. Don't look, like lotuses.

Your stupid fallen servant!!,

Nikunja Bihari das.

HpS - I think we have stomach cancer. Pretty chronic pain now. Maybe and ulcer, but not very intense. We keep an eye on it, but our real business is in our heart. It the belly and genitals die, but the heart is fine, that's O.K.
See you soon!!!
It must be interesting seeing the boys grow up. They are individual people with a whole lot of history that is beginning to manifest as it has the chance.