Go to Vraja - 24-hour Kirtan???? #2

9 years, 1 month ago by Bhakta Jorge España in Personal Sadhana Reports

hare krishna Maharaj pamho agtsp.

thank you very much for all the care you've had.

I will consider everything, and talk to the devotees here; and try to give the right step.

Yes; i was in India in the month of Kartika in 2009

I was in Mayapur, Nabadwip, Bhubaneswar - in the temple of Gaura-Govinda Maharaj; also i was in Jagannatha Puri Dhama - where I committed the impertinence to enter the temple on two occasions; then Vrindavan Dham, Varsana, Govardham.

incredible journey. It was very important to me; That helped me a lot; to have a little more faith. See Hare Krishna from another point of view, deeper; not like those crazy people who walk on the street singing.

well, I will continue trying to understand all this.
Maharaj - once again thank you very much for your support.

this photo at Govardhan Parikrama.

HpS - Aaaah!   You are an experienced fellow, but still we worry that you will just get boored in Vrndavan ISKCON, ....   unless Radha Shyama want you to sit in front of them with Their Lady Friends and sing and play funny songs.      Maybe They have some other thing They want you to do. Look for a Sankirtan party passing nearby you!

Who is that boy in the white shirt next to you in the picture?