Go to Vraja - 24-hour Kirtan????

9 years, 3 months ago by Bhakta Jorge España in Personal Sadhana Reports

hare krishna Maharaj pamho agtsp.

this letter is a bit urgent!
because I travel to Barcelona on December 13; and I want to have a clear idea of ​​my future before leaving the temple.

what happens is this.

this time in ISKCON Norway has been very good.
is incredible; managed to follow the principles and chanting the rounds and busy all the time in many different services.

so I'm very happy .... Yes; I feel good.

deeply grateful to the Norwegian yatra.

the point is that I think I have to go somewhere else.

because here this temple is austerity for me.

as I appreciate it; this place is for devotees, with experience in everything related to devotional service; with interest to cooperate in the mission of Prabhupada; and make ISKCON Norway (Oslo) shine through.

but my case; It is not exactly as described above.

I need training!


Yuddhistira Prabhu's advice: is traveling to Vrindavan; join the program (24-hours-kirtan).

Yuddhistira said you have 24 (almost 25) and you're not married why not go there.

We are talking about a two-year visa. all coordinated with the authorities of the temple (Krishna-Balaram).

with a minimum commitment of one year.

which is not something other than my most ambitious desire in the spiritual life.

therefore the president of the temple (ISKCON-Norway-Oslo) Maha-bhavi prabhu and Yudistira prabhu.

They ordered me; consult with you.

You're the last word; if you're in agreement; and you think it may be a good thing for me.

Please give me your blessings; so that I can go to Vrindavan; and learn many things; and maybe one day be ready to take initiation.

then we can talk to authorities (ISKCON Vrindavan) and start trying to organize all that is required.

if all goes well; I would be traveling to Vrindavan perhaps in February 2016.

on the other hand, the time which is expected to be in Barcelona with my mother and my sister.
I have to be very careful.
because with the slightest slip; the senses, seek the objects of the senses; I feel such a strong attachment; it will be as if a man was hanged with a rope by two elephants each in the appropriate direction.

so of course there is no better cure for that; sadhu-sanga!

well honestly I think it's better; I leave you to sing a round right now in this moment.


We try to move on; we are in the material world .... Where there is a resource that I can exploit? if you "by chance" you know where .... Please do not tell me; because then I'll jump on him like a lion jumps on its prey when not eaten nothing for a couple of days…

--->>>  HARE!!!!!

Maharaj thank you very much for all your support.

HpS - ASA -- Ho, Jorge!!   AgtSP.   Thank you for your letter. We don't know exactly how to advise you with great detail. We have never seen a perfect program in ISKCON. Maybe because of our own faults, but every Temple, Yatra, that we have seen, joined, has some interesting and some booring aspects.

I have not been able to know you in action. Maybe Yuddhisthira Das et al have had a chance to see you in action and can discuss your future better than we. From what I know of ISKCON Vrndavana, it is not like the Krsna book. That whole area now is becoming packed, packed, packed with "tourists', auto-traffic, big-city housing developments. Krsna Balarama Temple sits like a little tourists spot in the middle of that. I don't even know if the Temple would be so enthusiastic to accept you, when then could get Indian boys whom they could investigate better than your good self.

Hmmmmm?????    24-hour Kirtan can be very dry program for one year for a young Westerner, then there may not be a lot to do in your off hours. Temple is crowded, food may be too Indian. Training programs for your class of dude may be non-existent, but a lot of Mahatmas pass through there and it IS Vrndavana Dhama.
Have you gone to ISKCON India before?