AGTSP! PAMHO *Gurudev*

9 years, 3 months ago by Yamila Sandivara in Personal Sadhana Reports

Gurudev forgives; a lot of time without japa joe.

Two complicated years: I was in bed for one year; pregnancy with danger of loss. And then the first year of the baby; I was tired. Today already I have a bit more of energy. I am Trying to return!

Vamshi was born on October 28, 2014 (photo)

HpS - ASA --   Hare Krsna. Nice looking baby!    Good job, Mataji!   Lot's of work, but is easier the more we chant HK/HR, no?

We had to look up your Diksa name from your Secular name. We remember your Diksa name but have forgotten you form, character, pastimes!!   If Barrack Obama asked you, "who are you", what would you say?  If the Pope asked you?