First Photos

9 years, 1 month ago by David Presta in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Dear Hanumapresaka Swami

PAMHO  All Glories to Srila Prabhupada !

I'm going to try to send some photos for the first time to see how it works.  These are the only photos I could find that are less than 2MB  This is a photo of the going away party for a delightful devotee couple who had to move to up state New York for his work as a college economics professor.  With Bahushira and Paradeya.  The tears were flowing that day.  The other is a picture of Paradeya,  his wife Caitanya Dasi and me at home.

Your humble servant

HpS - Hare Krsna. Sorry a little slow reading this wonderful letter. Reflects our lack of taste for spiritual life and continued interest in World War II. By your association and all the devotees in this world AND Srila Prabhupada AND Jesus and Mohamad and...   Confuscious and...  we might make some progress. We only see one photo!  If you get the time, save the file with a descriptive name, then I think that will show up. I only see a small version of it at this point. I will post it and look at the large version. Then I think this letter to this point will go. . . .

O.K. We looked at it after it was Posted and the Photo is much bigger, but only one. Are you getting this Edit comment?

Boy, I really like working with you. Always have. You are a professional, sudra like me. I think there must be some German in your family tree somewhere.