pillbuster treatment

9 years, 2 months ago by harsh_horse in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Maharaj, PAMHO, AGTSP You are the light we want to follow. everybody is like glowworm. Here we are writing to you, as you understand psychology and you are close to NGD [a good psychiatrist]. [a] how much are chemicals involved in controlling mind and its thought ? How much can counselling without pills can control the mind ? [b] Pysch has diagnosed us with OCD, and says our problem is that we have standards for verything from waking up time to how use time etc. Our mind is constantly bombarding us what is to be done. hence they have recommended us with pills [i] oleans plus/fostera 5mg [ii] oxetol od/ oxeltra od/ zenoxa od 150 mg [c] we think that side of such medicines is our sleep is increasing, which means we sleep for minimum eight hours. any other suggestions in this perspective. will it be possible for you to ask about side effects of these medicine with NGd Prabhu. we think we will be ready for initiation when you come to bombay this time. any updates on service needed for mailing list ? [d] personally we like Brahma ji [may be because he was alone]. we are focusing on his prayers {Krsna book }and chapter 9 of canto 2 answer by the lord. regards, horse trying to become human

HpS - ASA - Hare Krsna!!!   AGTSP    paoho.   We have just sent this letter to Nitai-gaurasundara Das. On the telephone he said that he could not recognize the medication and that in India they have different names. So, if you got a copy of the letter he might be able to offer some opinion. In general, we  understood that he feels the medication can help.

We might suggest that it can also be adjusted by taking a certain Ayurvedic medication etc, but I suggested that if he thought it might help, then you could be pragmatic about it and see after some time  what the result is. I guess the Psychiatrist in India would have the same attitude.

Of course, we feel that we can look for more Vedic solutions: Diet, schedule, Japa...   but I also accept that we can use modern medicine if we are careful.