Hare Krsna, AGTSP, paoho & bw.
7.16PM. Or BG workshop with NGD, Sugopi and Kama-gayatri Devi Das starts in a few minutes.
Today we didn't get up until like 2.30AM.
Japa, TLC, FMP, breakfast (Juice), drive Musa to school, started reading "Prabhupada" for Friday class, but fell asleep for about two hours. Up, cleaned the house some more, cook Lord's Kitri, wrote the Annual Meeting Minutes for NIOS and sent copies to Board Members etc. Listened to Hawaii class to prepare for tomorrow, Abhirama called from Peru, fought wih the bad connection, but he sent the Solaris magazine Purpose Statement and the Crew. We edited that for about 45-minutes and sent it.
By then pretty exhausted so ate some old cheese and watched the history of the world on youtube.
Recovered some energy so chanted 13/16 rounds and Gayatri, answered about five letters, chanted final Gayatri and here we are working with you.
We are 40% short of breath, but also we are pushing to get air from internal sources and experiencing some success. Mystic yoga can be perfectly legitimate effort if it is for Krsna. Arjuna learned how to kill for Krsna.
O.K. Time for BG. Hope to see you there.