Videos Sattva y NIMSAR

9 years, 4 months ago by Victoria in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

 Hare Krsna Gurudev, PAMH  _^o_   Jay Prabhupada!<img alt="smiley" height="23" src="" title="smiley" width="23" />

-This is the link to the video about the conference in the National Library of Peru

-And this is the link to the NIMSAR´s video.

I hope you find these useful. If you see something that I can improve please tell me so I can fix it.

Those links are preliminary, because I made a mistake: i upload the videos from my personal account and not from the  ASA Audiovisual´s account. I'll fix it and i will send you the new links. Meanwhile you can use these with the devotees

Muchas gracias por la oportunidad de hacer este servicio

para servirlo

Vrsabhanu Nandini dd


Necesitamos la colaboracion de algun/a devoto/a que pueda traducir las partes de ambos video que estan solo en ESPAÑOL. Necesitamos esa información en INGLES para poder agregar los subtitulos.

Quien este interesado y disponga del tiempo por favor escribir a: [email protected]

Muchas gracias

HpS - Hare Krsna!   Thank you so much for the work that you and The Ambarisa Das are doing, but much more thank you for your association. We will look at the links. Now we are trying to answer the mail and meet with you on Skype for the Claudio Naranjo meeting.