DTC Mo(19)

8 years, 11 months ago by hps in DTC


Paoho... Many long hard days, but that is the material world.  You can do severe austerities for Krsna or you can do severe austerities for Mickey Mouse, but you MUST do severe austerities here.

Seems Krsna is better than Mickey Mouse, and is actually the origin of Mickey Mouse, so why not approach Him directly.

You can complain about things!

Can ask for help.  He gives it.  Can ask for funny, exciting help!

Now is 4.14PM.   We are in Raleigh, North Carolina in Madhava Das' home. The mail is caught up to 3-days.  Also did Yahoo mail.

Really, we don't have to have big problems if you just get up early and get your rounds done.
If we do get big problems then we will get big mercy, Queen Kunti mercy.

Talked with Abhirama and Miguel. Solaris and Peru Symposium on schedule. We finished our suggestions for the Purpose Statement for magazine Solaris and Goloka Foundation in North America.

Rathayatra here was big success, Sunday Feast yesterday was big success. In 45-minutes we go for University Program. They expect maybe 100-students coming to their club. They liked very much Jung and India idea.

Everyday technical and adminsitrative work. Some fighting in Cusco. Struggling to get Reliance working for cheap calls to India and Peru. Talked with Visala Das, Bhakta Daniel, Dr. Desai, checked in for our flight tomorrow, had Lord Nrsmha's Kitri prasadam for lunch.

Now we prepare little PPTX for the university.

BG 15 - 16, for Wednesday night???