Parama karuna GN news

9 years, 3 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva:



It is very nice to have iur daily association .. sometimes we even crawl for managala artik!

HpS - ASA --- AGTSP!  Nice to have yours and the others!     Are you presenting Draupadi on Saturday morning?

Gurudeva.. the authorities from wilson sent me more than 5 emails asking me to be the head pujari again.. I think and think ask 6 brahmanas.. I did not ask U because on that time U said that it is time for us to grow up. I accept.. but I asked them for 2 weeks.. In order to see how can I help, etc

HpS - ASA -- Good decision!

It is a pity GM if I am sincere I am really discouraged. Wilson is old dirty and it is really frustrating even if I clean and clean... It is never clean enough...  as u said admimistration here is a mess..many fancy jewels that I bought are lost

HpS - It is a mess here too.   I heard from Prabhupada's lips that...  [remember?].....  There are problems in our Temples.

<img alt="sad" height="23" src="" title="sad" width="23" />. devotees do not want to do practical,service.. then i think in which way I am helping to the sankirtan movement.

I remembered The Loft it was neat and clean... I really miss that... Anyway I had the idea to celebrate Ramvijaya in wilson. M Ganga has Sita Rama Laksman Hanuman deities so we are going to perform an abhishek, a little program in order to inspire us and inspire the devotees... I am going to give the class.

HpS - Some times we serve in Hell, sometimes we serve in Mahar-loka.  We just serve and then Krsna will put good intelligence right in front of our face what to do!   Don't leave, don't deviate!

In Chosik the celebration is going to be on Sunday.. I will help doimg the flower dress for GN.. is going to be a contest... 

We already bought our tickets to chile ...VP for U and all the Guruparampara... just one week.. we are not goimg to bs as because we are working until the end of January

This is our report. 

Trying to be iur disciple


HpS - Please stick in there for six years like this and as far as I know your return to Goloka dhama is guaranteed.