Very urgent

9 years, 5 months ago by radhacaranadasi in Other

Radhe syam!!!

Agtsp Pamho Dear gurudev

Sorry for the urgent letter everything its going nice in vraj, our visa its getting I have to go out of vraj :0( next year.

Today a friend called me to tell me that Bhakti dhira Damodar swami will be giving initiations, so I wanted to ask you if you think it's possible to enter in the fire for the bramin diksa.

As you said before....more be prepared. The ceremony will be tomorrow at 8:00am if you are agree even that you know it's a big step for this burro.

Please Send me a short mail to show to maharaj that you are agree as same as paca gaura p.

This is my E-mail xxx  See you tomorrow japa!!!!! Ys Radha Caran

HpS - ASA -   Here is a copy of the letter we have sent to your indicated address with copy to Girivaradhari-gopal Das:


Esteemed Radha-carana Devi Dasi et al,

Of course, please take second initiation tomorrow. You must then contrive to get a printed copy of the Mantras and then some arrangement so that I can pass them to your right ear by telephone.

We had already discussed this along with Girivaradhari's second initiation and Tungavidya Prabhus letter.

Your humble servant,

Hanumatpresaka Swami