Hare Krisna, from Aranjuez

9 years, 4 months ago by Dandava das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krisna, dear Gurudeva. Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

We already are at home after some holydays in Malaga.

By Krisnhna's Mercy the Carcika's pregnancy is going up (now 14th weeks). We don't know what's he/she. We don't mind.

This summer has been very hard. Many changes in Madrid's Temple, you know. Many adjusments in the service and in our minds. The mind can be the best friend or de worst enemy. Many time our mind is the worst enemy. Now I'm reading and studing The Nectar of the Instruction. I realized that I have to start in the begining. Maybe i wont to run quickly and I lost the begining. I want to concentrate in the chant and The Nectar of the Instruction introspetively for some months. I want to concentrate my service in the congregational development and preaching, helping to Yadunandana Swami. I still be the Madrid's Templep's treasurer. Not how long. The administration is many dificult  living at 50 kilometres from the temple, and many unpleasant things and letdowns have happened . Krisna will say. What do you think about this?

HpS - It is just as you say.  [Best of wishes to Mataji and her baby.] Temple worship is for Dvapara Yuga, but on the basis of Sankirtan we can do it in Kali yuga and then it helps the Sankirtan so much.  So,    Madrid temple has to be a Sankirtan party.  That is most important focus.  Whatever else you can do, do it. Understand you personal contribution and then see what devotees you can work with . Many times I have tried, even 7-years, to get some program going and then I had to be a little firm to politely withdraw. People appreciated it was the correct thing. Other projects are going on 65%, so we give 71% effort to them.
O.K?   You keep your Sankirtan program going ENTHUSIATICALLY and then connect with others as much as you can.


Carcika and me are working in the congregational development and preaching  with one Bhakti Vriksa group. And we are working in two diferents courses programms: One, "Self Knowledge, Therapyes for a better world " where we speak about suffering, forgiveness, happines, action and reaction (3th Newton Law), etc from a phycological point of view; and the other one, "Material Problems, Spiritual Solutions" where we speak about the same topics but from spiritual point of view and much more deeply.

I hope I don't go to the hell. But I want to get better. I'm not giving up. I'm not even Kanistha Adikari, but I want to serve to the devotees. It's enought.

Mathura Mani DD was operated yesterday in the morning. The operation was longer doctors thought. Finally They removed her the pancreas, duodenum, pylorus, and some ganglions arround pancreas. She'll sedated for a some days. It was cancer. It's very serious. Krisna knows. Please pray for Mathura Mani.

HpS - Krsna is a very jealous lover!     Maybe He wants her back immediately, so He is going to give her a little time for becoming detached then take her to Goloka very soon.  Is it good or bad if she dies soon?

When you come back to Madrid again?

HpS - Maybe when we come back from India, no? Beginning of April?

Your humble and fallen aspiring to servant, Dandava Das.

HpS - Thank you.  Do not doubt that Krsna appreciates very, very, very much your efforts!!!