Dear Maharaj,
We are wondering how to choose a husband. What qualifications should we look for? How should a relationship period be tested to decide if the marriage is liveable? My personal sadhana is weak again. You're holiness instructed us to rise early for morning program and chant nice rounds for clarity. We will start doing that again tomorrow. _/\o_. Please forgive us, we find our life very hard to manage any sort of discipline due to emotioanl turmoil from household conflict on a daily basis and will endeavor to improve.
Vrsabhanu Nandini dd
ASA - HpS - AGTSP -- Note for your readers: The devotee writing is not our good disciple from Argentina with the same name. She already has a husband. He is pretty cool dude.
Qualifications for a husband.
1. Heterosexual (Ha! Ha! Ha! (but this points out the first point: Things are tough in Kali-yuga. Maybe better to chuck the whole thing and ask Radharani to share Shyama-sundara with you. You can wear white and cook one grain of rice each day for every round you chant.)))
-1. An ISKCON devotee. Real ISKCON devotee. Doing his rounds, getting ups, Temple program, participate Sankirtan movement.
Of course, if nice person who likes devotees, O.K. Husband is like getting a car. Don't expect perfection. He is your husband, not hour God.
Hope he has same expectations of his wife. Then peaceful life, natural affection, Blah! Blah! Blah! and he will become more appreciative of devotees and become initiated after 35-years.
2, 3, 4 ... Prabhupada's purport he says that should try to marry a devotee and not a demon. All the details, it really is natural if your community and his community are involved. How to get to judge each other etc.
That's about all we have to say, but 16-good rounds (mangala arati, Kirtan, SB) + 4-principles and all family, sankirtan, health, wealth issues improve at the maximum possible rate. Kartika starts on Tuesday. Do a Katika vrata! Get your request in before the other Gopis (during Katyayani vrata, next month).