Vrindavan Gurukula

9 years, 4 months ago by Cakori Radha in Hot Topics

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja!

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!


We hope your liver feels better,

ASA - Yes, long time ago it has recovered. Now we have stomach problem and of course going blind and deaf and losing teeth!   Very nice!

We write to tell you of project in Vrindavana, Yesterday we had a very nice and productive meeting. in 2 weeks things have fly almost, its subreal

we have a name, V.E.D.A (Vraja educational and Devotional Academy) kids can be vedantas? They accept a co-ed education, but boys upto 10 only, meybe they will be ready to go to Gurukula?

so we are starting collecting different models of curricular programs from all over the world (many devotee friends are helping) and we have to start a fundraising... we think we will be needing 40 thousand dollars to start... maybe, by Radharanis mercy the Goshala will give us a little space to make some buildings. we could pay them rent? theres another plot Iskcon is not using, no project coming for it nothing, maybe that could be a permanet spot.  we need to have the funds to ask for the land, because right now all we have are dreams and a bunch of parents in passion.  this week we are prepering a brochure, the funraising strategy  and we are taking some pictures next sunday of the children (to put in the brochure)

Please Guru Maharaja give us blessing so we can become good instruments of the lords will.

Hoping for some tips too   '@'

Thank you for your nice letter to all of us, we read them all, most of them at least... so nice, so many nice comments and instructions.

Trying to serve at all,

Cakori Radha Devi dasi (donkey)

HpS - Who are like three of the other principal participants?  Who are they?